Sunday, May 23, 2010

I am human.
And I have made mistakes.
I have learned so much from those mistakes.
The hard part is telling someone about your flaws.
Courage fleets away when I need it.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where I am at today

My life continues to run this endless maze of obstacles. I never know what there is coming up next or what the next thing will be around the bend. The bend being some new step in my life that is set on my table. I feel like every day is something new that I haven't seen before. I cannot explain these noumena in my life but I don't think they're made to be understood cognitively. Were made to go along with what were thrown. That's the point of free will right? To be able to make our own choices even if they set us down the wrong path. We, as beings made like Christ, have to learn to correct our mistakes and put or little feet back on the right path. We were made to reason and our reason should/ought to be a slave to our passions. But we find ourselves not listening to our passions but reasoning everything out and that where we go wrong. We ought to follow our passions because, if you have Christ, will be of Christ and the reason will follow shortly after. We must do what we love and our feelings will catch up later.
I have spent the entire last year of my life happy and joyful because that is what my purpose is. I have found joy in Christ and joy in the day that is before me. I take baby strides as if I am learning to walk again, walk in the way that every step is something new and uncharted. Not to be too positive or sound to philosophical, but seriously this has helped me learn that as a human I am going to fail miserably at what I am supposed to be doing, but I will pick my happy self up and learn to correct the mistakes I have made. Because God himself knows, I am human and have made plenty of mistakes.
New opportunities have risen and have shown me that not all things are perfect but with time(age) things get better. I long to be in a different stage of life but I am where I am at because of purpose. Life cannot be rushed because if it is you'll find yourself unhappy where you are at. One day, I will be the greatest at what I am doing because I have followed my heart and I have followed my passions. One day, I will be where I want to be now and I will be happy. For now, I am meant to be at peace with what is given me and take life in strides.